(1) Prophecy encourages Godly living – when we do not intentionally think about our eternal future it becomes easy to believe that this earth is all there is, which leads to sloppy spirituality and unrighteous living. 1 John 2:28-3:
(2) Prophecy gives hope and comfort – we remember that our current troubles are only temporary and a day is coming when all troubles will cease; the best is yet to come. Revelation 20-21
(3) Prophecy warns to flee from the wrath to come – knowing that an eternity in Heaven or Hell is real should motivate us to live Godly lives, and share the way to Christ with others. Romans 1:8
(4) Prophecy gives us confidence in Gods character and sovereignty – when life seems out of control and haphazard we can know that God is in complete control and not taken by surprise at the turns of our life. Psalm 103:19
Furthermore, we can see the emphasis that Christ places on prophecy in 1 Corinthians 14:1-5.
Paul tells us to first, pursue love, then above all else, pursue the gift of prophesy for edification, encouragement, and consolation of the body of Christ, the Church.
Full Article can be found Here