5 Reasons Why Prayer is Good For You
Prayer is a crucial part of our spiritual relationship with God. Here are five reasons why prayer is beneficial to your life.
1. Connect With God
Prayer is a form of worship and an act of praise. When offering our requests to God, we are vulnerable, humbly asking for divine help.
Prayer is the opportunity to share our wants and needs with God, including him in our daily lives.
2. Restore or Build Faith
We can start out or reach a point in our Christian walk, with weak faith. Faith can be born on shaky ground – as a new believer who is just learning about Christ – and faith can be whittled down by our jaded outlook or life struggles.
Sending our prayers to God strengthens and builds our spiritual life. The more time we put in, learning about him through study of his word and prayer, the more we learn about his love and our faith.
3. Express Yourself
Some things we say in prayer, we don’t say out loud. Prayer is the time to express yourself. You can “lay your burdens down,” talk to God about your secrets, your feelings, or just say a simple, “Thank you.”
4. Live Healthier and With Longer Life
Studies show that prayer can lead to a healthier life as well as extend it. Spending a few minutes each day to worship can provide physical and emotional benefits such as lightening our mood, improving our cardiovascular health, and lowering blood pressure.
5. Humble Ourselves
When we bow our heads and lift our heads in prayer to go before God, it is in humility. Our selfishness, our arrogance is gone because prayer acknowledges that we are servants to God. His power, love and grace, is abundant, more than enough, and He is to be praised.
It can also change our attitude towards our problems, as we pray for others who may be doing much worse.
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