Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.
Working in a place where Christians are the minority can often be challenging. You might be tempted to hunker down, do your work and then rush home each day. But instead of quietly surviving, God has called us to be a light in the darkness. That means we are to shine brightly and not cower in our cubicle. To speak truth in love, not simply acquiesce to the attitudes and beliefs of our co-workers so as not to make waves. We are to be the bright spot in a dark world, proclaiming the love and salvation our Savior has to offer.
Easier said than done, right? Well, here are some practical ways you can be a light at your job:
1. Words Matter
It’s easy to fall into the speech habits of those around you. It may be tempting to curse that client who is making your life hard, join in a gossip session or bad-mouth a bad boss. But remember, your co-workers are listening. Ephesians 4:29 tells us to speak only words that will be uplifting to others. Hang a decoration with encouraging words near your desk to remind yourself to trust God in all circumstances. Having His truth as a constant reminder can help you think before you speak.
2. Attitude Adjustment
Stress, dreaded tasks, uncooperative co-workers, lack of recognition…there are numerous things in your workplace that can bring you down. But, how do you react? Do you grumble and complain or do you choose to trust God and be positive? Remember that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength (Philippians 4:13). Rest in the assurance that God will get you through every situation, and show others what it means to have the joy of the Lord, no matter the circumstances. Place a reminder at your desk to praise God and focus on His goodness. Believe me, people will notice.
3. Showcase the Truth
Another way to witness is to simply let God’s Word speak for itself. Drink your morning coffee in this “Pursue Truth” mug and take it with you to your team meetings. You can also place Scripture sharables prominently on your desk. These are non-confrontational ways to present the Word to your co-workers and plant a seed in their hearts. After all, you never know how it will touch or convict them.
4. Go One-on-One
It’s hard to find obvious opportunities to talk about your relationship with Jesus when you’re on the clock. An easy way to get some one-on-one time, however, is to invite a co-worker to lunch. Genuinely get to know them as you talk about more casual things like kids, hobbies and activities. Eventually, the Holy Spirit may open a door for you to speak about your relationship with a loving God. Pray Ephesians 6:19-20 before you go and ask the Lord to open doors for His Kingdom to be released in your interaction.
5. Show a Servant’s Heart
You’ve heard the saying “actions speak louder than words.” Often what we do can be an even louder witness than what we say. Look for opportunities to serve your fellow co-workers. Give a sweet baby gift to someone out on maternity leave or send a sincere sympathy card to a co-worker who recently lost a loved one. Other ways to serve might include offering a ride to someone whose car is in the shop. If you have Christian music playing in your car, the lyrics of a song might minister to them. Through you, these small actions can speak volumes about God’s immeasurable love for your co-workers.
This Article can be found at: https://www.dayspring.com/articles/5-ways-to-shine-your-light-in-the-workplace#