Individual Classes

First, a word about our two-year programs.

Our Two-year plans (General Ministry & Shepherd School) include many of the individual classes below

plus 300 more audio files and 14,000 training videos. *

General MinistryShepherd School


Individual classes will come available with each quarter.  They are going through editing and refinement as we add them to the online college. Please keep checking back with us as we continue to add to your options.

Here is a list of individual classes that will be coming online soon.

Women of the Bible

Systematic Theology I – Bibliology, Ecclesiology, and Angelology *

Systematic Theology II – Theology Proper, the study of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit *

Ethics and Counseling * – Two-year programs only

Homiletics, Teaching and Preaching *

Hermeneutics, Inductive Bible Study *

Old Testament Survey

New Testament Survey

Life Planning 101

Revelation of John

Book of Hebrews

Practical Christian Living

Church History I & II

Pastoral Epistles


Christianity: The Reasonable Course

Church Planting


Life of Christ



Classes Exclusive to the Two-Year programs (General Ministry & Shepherd School)

Including the individual classes marked above you also get the following only in our two-year programs.

Life of the Shepherd/Minister I *

Life of the Shepherd/Minister II *

Devotions of the Shepherd/Minister *

Cults and Comparative Religions *

Cults and Comparative Religions

Practical Christian Ministry *

Apologetics *

Systematic Theology III – Anthropology and Soteriology *

Systematic Theology IV – Eschatology, prophecy overview *


Our Two-year plans (General Ministry & Shepherd School) include many of the individual classes above *


You have to believe you are worth the time and effort to develop yourself. 







Can You Imagine . . .

  • Learning on your own is slow and difficult but CCF College makes it fast and simple
  • Knowing how to achieve life and ministry goals
  • Having 30 years’ of discipleship experience dedicated to your personal growth
  • Completing what God has called you to do
  • Losing the fear that you will not be able to answer questions about your faith
  • Gaining certainty in your life’s calling
  • Being able to stand firm on solid biblical doctrine
  • Growing a much deeper knowledge and walk with God.
  • Traveling the fastest route to success with the least amount of failure
  • Losing the fear of feeling ill equipped and uncertain in service
  • Taking tests that help you learn and pass
  • Not going into debt to be a well informed and equipped Christian
  • Helping us plant 100 churches in the next 20 years


Find out more for FREE in our “How It Works” introduction course sample

CLICK HERE for two-year comparisons

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Leading People to the Cross