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Week One
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 1
Inerrancy what difference does it make?
Passion for Bible
Student Book List
Inductive Bible Study Method
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Two
God’s Continuing Work
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 2
Defining and Defending the Trinity
The Bible How to understand it
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Three
Do Miracles Occur?
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 3
Three ways to Attack the Authority of the Bible
Inductive Bible Study Method
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Four
Acts 29 – God’s Continuing Work
Do all Religions lead to God?
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 4
Ministry with nothing but God
Inductive Bible Study Method
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Five
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 5
Knowing the Word of God
Breaking Ground
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Six
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 6
Essential Pillars
Amazing Change
Inductive Bible Study Method
Inductive Bible Study Method
Video using MS Word & Logos to outline
Week Seven
Amazing Salvation
Doctrine of the Trinity Part 7
Ministering in Sin City
Operating in Grace
Inductive Bible Study Method
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Eight
Does God always answer the prayer of faith?
Mission for Mexico
Passion for God
Inductive Bible Study Method
Week Nine
Christian Reconstructionism a Biblical Critique
Excuses for not Evangelizing
Eager to Learn and Serve
Inductive Bible Study Method