Would you like to take charge of your health?
Do you suffer from constant fatigue?
Have you dieted and failed in the past?
Are you dealing with chronic health problems?
Are you an emotional eater, stress eater or bored eater?
Do you have a hard time getting past cravings?
Do you always feel hungry or don’t stay satisfied for very long?
Do you have trouble staying motivated?
Do you feel you are losing the battle with your body?
Here are health problems this plan will help heal or at least manage.
Acid Re-flux Acne Alzheimer’s Disease Aging Effects Anxiety Arthritis Autism Bipolar Disorder Auto-Immune Conditions Blood Pressure Brain Fog Cancers Chronic Fatigue Chronic Pain Depression Diabetes Digestive Function Dry Flaky Skin Edema Food Cravings Energy Loss Epilepsy Eye Floaters Fatty Liver Fibromyalgia GERD Glycogen Storage Disease Gout Heart Disease Hypertension Hormone Balance Irritable Bowel Syndrome Joint Pain Libido Lipomas Mental Health Metabolic Syndrome Migraine Headaches Muscle Tone Loss Multiple Sclerosis Neuropathy Obesity Oxidative Stress Parkinson’s Disease Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Pregnancy Radical Inflammation Skin Tags Sleep Apnea Snoring Unstable Blood Sugar Addiction Thyroid Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Ulcers Uncontrolled Hunger Weight Imbalances
If you see your problem above then this program is for you.
We link to medical doctors and researchers explaining why eating properly is helping or healing these issues.
Let’s get back to the Biblical way of health that doesn’t leave you hungry, tired, and undernourished.
My CROSS Plan is an uncomplicated five step program.
This is not a diet, but a lifestyle based on guidelines found in Scripture. We will incorporate physical and spiritual health because it is not much benefit to be physically healthy and spiritually diseased. We need to stop following guidelines set for us by those who believe we evolved. If you start with the wrong premise you will come to the wrong conclusion.
My CROSS Plan is Effective
We were wonderfully created, and God knows what will keep us healthy. He is our designer. He also knows how to heal us physically and spiritually. Following God’s prescription will have a great positive impact on our health. You will see improvement in mind, soul, and strength.
My CROSS Plan is Easy
It works with a busy lifestyle or if you have serious physical restrictions. It can work if you have limited time to exercise or if you cannot exercise at all. Everything you need is at your local grocery store. You won’t have a ton of counting or planning. Simple meals and spiritual actions will turn your life around. It is straightforward and you will experience your health and your walk with God improve as you follow His ways.
My CROSS Plan is Enjoyable
Food will become your ally not your enemy. Yes, you can have some sweets and very delicious foods that God intended for you to enjoy. You might find it too good to be true but that is how our Lord operates.
My CROSS Plan is Sustainable
This is not a temporary diet, but a lifestyle change that can be followed the rest of your life. Because it is easy, effective, and enjoyable it is very sustainable long term. Why wouldn’t it be if the Bible directs us to it.
My CROSS Plan is a step-by-step strategy that educates you so take control of your mind, soul, and body.
I am Pastor Scott Thom. I have been pastoring for over 30 years and have taught through every book in the Bible, the vast majority in-depth verse by verse except a couple of them. During this time I also taught in several Bible colleges including our own CCFcollege.com. I have been privileged to help plant over 30 churches, and train hundreds for ministry. Discipleship on Fire is a book I wrote to help ministries train up leadership. I consider myself a Biblicist and nutritional researcher.
We will reference many outside experts, medical professionals and thought leaders in this endeavor.
I am excited to see and hear of your victory in a Scriptural lifestyle.
What you will receive in My CROSS Plan.
Easy to follow lessons on physical and spiritual health over six meetings at CCF and twelve weeks online.
What to get rid of and what to buy
Education so you can tweak the plan for your distinct needs
Video training that is practical
Handouts you can easily access for reference and help
Weekly menus
Email reminders and tips to keep you motivated and on track
Bible based helps to overcome bad thinking and character flaws we all struggle with
For example:
Biblical self-image
Overcoming perfectionism
Practicing Joy
Let’s remove barriers to success and create new godly habits that will change your life.
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