Beholding and Reflecting the Beauty of the Lord through the study of women in the Bible
Women of the Bible taught by women who love the Bible
Have you ever thought you’d like to have someone share with you how to have the character of a woman of God? One who has a Christ-like nature, who looks like what a Christian should? One who’s life brings glory to God because of how she lives her life?
Within the pages of Scripture, there are some very good mentors for us, to help us accomplish that desire; women like – Mary Mother of Jesus, who is a beautiful example of servanthood, Elisabeth, who’s life reflects the beauty of righteous living, Dorcus, a woman who shows us a picture of kindness, Sarah, a woman who reveals godly submission and faith. There’s also Abijah, who gives us the picture of godly motherhood.
On the flip side, there are also women forever etched in the pages of the Bible that would teach us the hindrances to becoming those women of God that we desire to be. Women like Orpah, who reflected an unsurrendered heart, like Michal who pictured pride and bitterness, also, Job’s wife who reflected despair.
There’s even Miriam who show the beauty of a work in progress, but that is interrupted by the spirit of grumbling and complaining.
This study series, Beholding and Reflecting the Beauty of the Lord, will take you on a journey to discover some of the character qualities that will bring glory to God and will bring you closer to your desire to bear the same image of Christ.
“And all of us with unveiled faces; seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.” 2 Cor 3:18
Women of the Bible – Full
Women of the Bible – Payments
Getting Started
How This Course Works
Ground Rules
Spiritual Warfare
Old Testament
Beholding and Reflecting Submission and Faith
Beholding and Reflecting Gratitude and Grumbling
Beholding and Reflecting Despair
Beholding and Reflecting the Unsurrendered Heart
Beholding and Reflecting Godly Motherhood
Beholding and Reflecting Humility
Beholding and Reflecting Pride and Bitterness
New Testament
Beholding and Reflecting Righteousness
Beholding and Reflecting Servanthood
Beholding and Reflecting a Heart of Worship
Beholding and Reflecting Faithfulness
Beholding and Reflecting Deceit
Beholding and Reflecting Kindness
Beholding and Reflecting Hospitality
Beholding and Reflecting Unity
Beholding and Reflecting a Legacy of Faith
Finishing Well
Character Quiz