Audrey and
Josie Montano are now friends 8 years, 7 months ago
Audrey and
Babette Garcia are now friends 8 years, 8 months ago
Audrey and
Jessica Manzanares are now friends 8 years, 8 months ago
Audrey started the topic CCF College Women's Fellowship OPEN Invite in the forum Adult Ministry 8 years, 8 months ago
Please come join us on Sunday, July 24th at 1:30 at Village Inn located at 6390 Coors Blvd. at the corner of Coors and La Orilla Rd NW. We are a small group of local women meeting every other Sunday for encouragement and accountability, locking shields in faith, in Him as we journey together through these studies. No formal invite, just come as…[Read more]
Audrey and
Roseanne Manzanares are now friends 8 years, 8 months ago
Audrey started the topic CCF College Women's Fellowship OPEN Invite in the forum Adult Ministry 8 years, 8 months ago
This Sunday, July 10th at 1:30 at Village Inn located at 6390 Coors Blvd. at the corner of Coors and La Orilla Rd NW. Where ever you may be in your studies, we invite you to come and fellowship with us. Bring your notes, your Bible, your story and let’s walk through this journey together. Arlene Bellamy and Audrey Vigil
Audrey replied to the topic CCF College women fellowship invite! in the forum Adult Ministry 8 years, 9 months ago
Today’s meeting was a blessed success! We had 4 CCF ladies in attendance! Our plans are to meet bi-weekly, class notes in hand, to glean off of one another how Christ is moving in our lives and through our studies. Some of us are in General Ministry and others planning to start Life Planning in fall. This will remain an open invite to any CCF…[Read more]
Audrey and
Christina Baca are now friends 8 years, 9 months ago
Audrey replied to the topic CCF College women fellowship invite! in the forum Adult Ministry 8 years, 9 months ago
Hello CCF Ladies,
Please join us tomorrow; Friday, 6/17/16 at 10:30 am for CCF Ladies Fellowship. We will be meeting at Village Inn located at 6390 Coors Blvd. at the corner of Coors and La Orilla Rd NW. All ladies are welcome, please just show up. We are looking forward to meeting you.
Audrey and Arlene
Audrey and
Zada Aragon are now friends 8 years, 9 months ago
Audrey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 9 months ago
Hello Kathy,
These messages ARE hard to keep up with. We are attempting to have a CCF ladies fellowship on Friday, 6/17 if you would like to attend. I would love to meet you. It is currently posted on the adult forum, open for suggestions on meeting times and places. I think it would be great to have a an opportunity for the women to be able to…[Read more] -
Audrey replied to the topic CCF College women fellowship invite! in the forum Adult Ministry 8 years, 9 months ago
Hello CCF Ladies,
I’m Audrey and I’d like to thank Arlene for posting this invite. What a great opportunity for us ladies to share the nuggets of wisdom we are gaining from these teachings and learn from one another. Share your ideas for a meeting place and time of day for this Friday, we invite your input. I’m so excited at the opportunity to…[Read more]
Audrey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
What I was thinking is that we could gather as many local women as are interested and meet on a weekly basis and discuss what we are learning and gaining from our studies here. Through these meetings, we could help each other grow. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know and we could get in contact with one another…[Read more]
Audrey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Kathy. Are you from Albuquqerque? What week are you currently studying?
Oops I just found this. Sorry! I’m in week two – slow going for me and am in the middle of the William Lane Craig audio file on apologetics. Lots of info to grab hold of, but the beauty is that you can start and stop as often as you like, which if you’re like me is all the time!!! Yes, I am from Albuquerque, actually I am Pastor Scott’s…[Read more]
Hello Kathy,
These messages ARE hard to keep up with. We are attempting to have a CCF ladies fellowship on Friday, 6/17 if you would like to attend. I would love to meet you. It is currently posted on the adult forum, open for suggestions on meeting times and places. I think it would be great to have a an opportunity for the women to be able to…[Read more]
Audrey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi. I am from Abq. I’m divorced with 2 “ex” stepdaughters that I keep in touch with. I have 4 children all grown and 5 grandchildren. Are you from Abq? I would be so very interested in creating a women’s study group.
I am from Abq. I actually moderate a women’s Bible study in my home Saturday mornings at 10am. We have 4 more weeks left before we finish the book of James. Ur welcome to come. What do u have in mind as far as a study? Let’s discuss it.
What I was thinking is that we could gather as many local women as are interested and meet on a weekly basis and discuss what we are learning and gaining from our studies here. Through these meetings, we could help each other grow. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know and we could get in contact with one another…[Read more]
Audrey posted a new activity comment 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Arlene. Thanks for reaching out to me. This is my 2nd week of studies and I’m feeling so lost in trying to find my way around the site. How are things going for you?
Hey there! I replied through an email. Not sure if u got it. I’m still trying to find out how everything works. I’m in my 5th week and I’m liking it. Are you from Abq? Do u have a family? What do you like to do?
Hi. I am from Abq. I’m divorced with 2 “ex” stepdaughters that I keep in touch with. I have 4 children all grown and 5 grandchildren. Are you from Abq? I would be so very interested in creating a women’s study group.
I am from Abq. I actually moderate a women’s Bible study in my home Saturday mornings at 10am. We have 4 more weeks left before we finish the book of James. Ur welcome to come. What do u have in mind as far as a study? Let’s discuss it.
What I was thinking is that we could gather as many local women as are interested and meet on a weekly basis and discuss what we are learning and gaining from our studies here. Through these meetings, we could help each other grow. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know and we could get in contact with one another…[Read more]
I’m in! Let me know what the plan is.
Kathy Thom and
Audrey are now friends 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Kathy. Are you from Albuquqerque? What week are you currently studying?
Oops I just found this. Sorry! I’m in week two – slow going for me and am in the middle of the William Lane Craig audio file on apologetics. Lots of info to grab hold of, but the beauty is that you can start and stop as often as you like, which if you’re like me is all the time!!! Yes, I am from Albuquerque, actually I am Pastor Scott’s…[Read more]
Hello Kathy,
These messages ARE hard to keep up with. We are attempting to have a CCF ladies fellowship on Friday, 6/17 if you would like to attend. I would love to meet you. It is currently posted on the adult forum, open for suggestions on meeting times and places. I think it would be great to have a an opportunity for the women to be able to…[Read more]
Arlene and
Audrey are now friends 8 years, 10 months ago
Hi Arlene. Thanks for reaching out to me. This is my 2nd week of studies and I’m feeling so lost in trying to find my way around the site. How are things going for you?
Hey there! I replied through an email. Not sure if u got it. I’m still trying to find out how everything works. I’m in my 5th week and I’m liking it. Are you from Abq? Do u have a family? What do you like to do?
Hi. I am from Abq. I’m divorced with 2 “ex” stepdaughters that I keep in touch with. I have 4 children all grown and 5 grandchildren. Are you from Abq? I would be so very interested in creating a women’s study group.
I am from Abq. I actually moderate a women’s Bible study in my home Saturday mornings at 10am. We have 4 more weeks left before we finish the book of James. Ur welcome to come. What do u have in mind as far as a study? Let’s discuss it.
What I was thinking is that we could gather as many local women as are interested and meet on a weekly basis and discuss what we are learning and gaining from our studies here. Through these meetings, we could help each other grow. If this is something you would be interested in, please let me know and we could get in contact with one another…[Read more]
I’m in! Let me know what the plan is.
Audrey's profile was updated 8 years, 10 months ago
Audrey changed their profile picture 8 years, 10 months ago