Justin Golden started the topic No Hand Out: Module 7, Week 2, Study 1 in the forum Technical Support 5 years, 9 months ago
Good afternoon,
The class named in the title has a link that should take the listener to download the handout, but it only opens an audio file. Was wondering if that handout was available? Should be the “Cross Distinctive Class 2.”
Thank you so much,
Justin -
Justin Golden replied to the topic Module 3: Week7: Audio 2 Test on the Trinity Not Working in the forum Technical Support 6 years, 7 months ago
No apology necessary! Thank you so much my friend for getting it worked out. You guys do such a great job of streamlining this school and the way it functions. God bless you brother.
Justin Golden started the topic Module 3: Week7: Audio 2 Test on the Trinity Not Working in the forum Technical Support 6 years, 7 months ago
Hi there,
The test over the Doctrine of the Trinity is not pulling up whenever I click the link. It goes to an error 404 page. I tried multiple times to see if it would resolve itself, but it would not.
Was wondering if anyone else had this issue as well.
God bless you all! -
Chris Torres and
Justin Golden are now friends 7 years, 2 months ago
Justin Golden started the topic Hello, I'm Justin in the forum Say Hello 7 years, 2 months ago
Hello to all, my name is Justin Golden. I have just recently enrolled in the CCF College and wanted to say “hello” to everyone.
A little about me, I live in a small Texas town, called Paris, where I serve as the Assistant Pastor at Calvary Chapel Paris. Though this is actually my home time, my wife, Aryn, and our son, Oliver, have only recently…[Read more]
Justin Golden changed their profile picture 7 years, 2 months ago