Kathy Thom and
Audrey are now friends 8 years, 10 months ago
Cross Fellowship Bible College is an innovative school to accelerate your learning and application
505 990-7291
Email: biblecollegeshepherdschool@gmail.com
Cross Christian Fellowship
6721 Edith Blvd NE Suite B Albuquerque NM 87113
Hi Kathy. Are you from Albuquqerque? What week are you currently studying?
Oops I just found this. Sorry! I’m in week two – slow going for me and am in the middle of the William Lane Craig audio file on apologetics. Lots of info to grab hold of, but the beauty is that you can start and stop as often as you like, which if you’re like me is all the time!!! Yes, I am from Albuquerque, actually I am Pastor Scott’s wife.
Hey, I met a friend of yours – Raina! She said she’s the one who suggested you consider the college and even to check out our church. If you do, I’d love to meet you personally! Hope you are enjoying the audio files and will be blessed.
Hello Kathy,
These messages ARE hard to keep up with. We are attempting to have a CCF ladies fellowship on Friday, 6/17 if you would like to attend. I would love to meet you. It is currently posted on the adult forum, open for suggestions on meeting times and places. I think it would be great to have a an opportunity for the women to be able to gain some knowledge from one another, God made us so good at that.