Philip McKay replied to the topic Hello, I'm Justin in the forum Say Hello 6 years, 9 months ago
Hey Justin! Just wanted to say hi, even though I also see you everyday here at CCP! Just want to encourage you bro, keep up the good work and keep on going through all these classes and messages. The material is excellent and very practical for what we are doing every week here. Pastor Scott has helped me so much with many areas of my personal…[Read more]
Philip McKay started the topic a mis-labeling in Mod 10, week 5, audio 3 in the forum Technical Support 6 years, 9 months ago
Hey Micheal, hope you’re doing great. Thanks for all the hard work that you put into the website and the posting of the messages! I just wanted to make you aware of a label error that is in Module 10, Week 5, Audio #3. I believe it is William Lane Craig doing Cosmological Argument #5, not Chuck Smith, as the label states. Just wanted to let you…[Read more]
Philip McKay started the topic Module 7, Week 1, Audio 3, Core Values in the forum Module Discussions 7 years, 4 months ago
Wow guys, I am so blessed by this study, thank you Pastor Scott Thom!
It was really good to see how rules and principles are contrasted- a rule is something that requires outward obedience, but a principle requires moral character- from within- and helps to steer our lives in a continual direction.
I also loved how the core principles that…[Read more]
Philip McKay changed their profile picture 7 years, 10 months ago
Philip McKay changed their profile picture 7 years, 11 months ago
Philip McKay started the topic Audio cuts out in the forum Module 3 Discussions 7 years, 12 months ago
Hey, just a quick FYI: module 3, week 6, audio file “study 1” (IBSM-04), the audio cuts out at around minute 52 or so…
Philip McKay replied to the topic Can't find module 1 on my account anymore in the forum Technical Support 8 years, 1 month ago
yep! same here
Philip McKay replied to the topic FYI: Mislabeled audio file in the forum Technical Support 8 years, 2 months ago
Also, Mod 2, Wk 6, File one is not Damien Kyle, but rather Jeff Johnson. I’m not trying to be a pain, hope it’s ok to let you know
Philip McKay started the topic FYI: Mislabeled audio file in the forum Technical Support 8 years, 2 months ago
I just wanted to let you know that I’m 100% sure that the speaker for Module 2, Week 5, Audio 4 is Ricky Ryan, not Bob Caldwell. You should double check me on it, but I’ve seen and heard both of them teach a number of times.
Philip McKay replied to the topic Can't find module 1 on my account anymore in the forum Technical Support 8 years, 3 months ago
Never mind! I found it. I just had to push the little “next” link at the bottom of “My Courses”. 🤓
Philip McKay started the topic Can't find module 1 on my account anymore in the forum Technical Support 8 years, 3 months ago
I logged into my account today to continue with my last week of Module 1 and it is not there as far as I can see. Can you help me find it? Thanks,
Philip McKay replied to the topic deacons in todays church in the forum Module 1 Discussions 8 years, 4 months ago
Hey Michael,
Thank you so much for the thoughtful reply. It really helped.
Philip McKay started the topic deacons in todays church in the forum Module 1 Discussions 8 years, 4 months ago
Hey guys,
I just finished week 5 in Module 1, with Pastor Scott’s study on godly character and how it is seen in biblical church leadership. It was good to go through the qualities of bishops/elders and deacons.
I was involved in a church plant in Costa Rica which started with a bible study in my home. From there it grew into a small church.…[Read more]
Philip McKay started the topic Hello, I'm Phil in the forum 8 years, 7 months ago
Hey guys,
Just wanted to “say hello” as I was encouraged to do so when I started the modules.
My name is Phil McKay, I am currently serving as lead Pastor of Calvary Chapel Paris, in Paris, Texas.
I received the information for the CCF Bible College in the mail with the opportunity for a scholarship and because this seems to fit both my…[Read more]