Shepherd School
Leadership/Pastor/Staff/Church Planting
Men Only
For men who desire to please God in their family, workplace, and ministry.
Also, for those who want to be or are a church planter or staff member.
Open House Schedule
Come in and for a short presentation, student testimonies and ask your questions
- Sunday eve November 26 at 6pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
- Sunday eve December 17 at 6pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
- Thursday eve January 4 at 6:30pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
This is the right time to train for service
What would happen if you knew God’s calling, were trained for it, and had the support base to help you make it happen?
Welcome to CCF Bible College Shepherd School.
This Course Membership has all the benefits of the General Ministry Training course but has much more. Yes this is only for men because Pastor Scott and the CCF Bible College staff do more personal training here than the other Course Memberships. It also caters to men starting ministries and churches although any man can sign up.
We have a goal to raise up committed leaders who have a serious calling on their lives. Even if you don’t know if you are called to be a missionary, pastor, assistant pastor, worship leader, Bible school instructor or any other ministry leader but you have a passion for ministry that just won’t go away then this is the Course Membership you want.
We will take you into ministry if you are just beginning. From knowing your calling to leading in ministry. If you are already in ministry we will advance your current ministry to a much higher level than you could imagine. We will help you be competent and qualified.
Pastor Scott Thom has been instrumental in over thirty church plants so he has been training leaders in every area of ministry. We have a goal to plant one hundred churches in the next twenty years. We want you to be a part of this exciting college and church movement that is just about to explode.
It is a completely different type of school than you are used to.
The tests are about growing in character not grades. In fact, you take the tests until you pass and they even help you learn by giving hints. We want to add to your knowledge but we really want to transform your life. There is a high priority of growing your character as much as your knowledge. If you follow the process we guarantee it will happen.
We do all this at a very low cost.
Similar programs would cost you between $18,000 to $30,000 a year. Our costs are low because we are revolutionizing how your learn and how colleges work. You can pay a one time fee or a monthly fee. After two years, you will continue to have access for as long as the college is here. Take your time or review the lessons over and over till you master them.
No fear. We will equip you and walk you through the most important principles of ministry.
Reg. $199.00 per month
Your price $129.00 per month for 24 months
You get so much more in the Two-Year Programs
The two-year programs include many of the individual classes but also include over 300 additional studies from top professors, pastors and Christian thought leaders today. It also gives you access to over 14,000 educational videos for just about any topic you can think of from kids videos to mission’s training. It is a great bargain.
Included in this Membership
Personal Training and Discipleship
14,000 Training Videos on demand
How we got the Bible
Character Training
Ethics and how to counsel
Service / Ministry
Inductive Bible Study
Teaching and Preaching
Management and Organization
How to lead in your family, workplace, and ministry
Understand Angels, Demons, and Spiritual warfare
Q&A Sessions
Shepherd School is our flagship two-year mentorship-style course.
What is the difference between the Shepherd School and General Ministry Programs?
General Ministry can be taken by anyone. It has mostly the same curriculum as the Shepherd School, but it will not have the resources and mentorship-style training. Shepherd School is for men only due to the discipleship-style instruction.
Who can attend Shepherd School?
Men who desire to be used by God in their family, life, and ministry. We believe you are created for a specific purpose and calling. Shepherd School unlocks the potential you have through deep character-building and higher education. If you desire to be used by God in a way that maximizes your talents then Shepherd School is for you.
The type of student that we are looking for:
- Those who desire the Holy Spirit to conform them to the image of Jesus Christ.
- Those who are open to be and do whatever God may call them to be or do.
- Those who desire to put themselves under leaders in order to become one.
If this describes you and you feel that God is leading you to attend Shepherd School, then we invite you to apply. Please apply early as there is limited space, and the application process includes an interview. Not all who apply will be accepted. Because this school is a mentorship program it is for men only.
Pastors and Church Planters
Shepherd School is a two-year program that will change your life for the better, equip you for ministry, and help you fulfill your calling. We train everyone as if they are going to shepherd a flock and even if you are not called to be a pastor you will be able to use this material in everyday life. Many of our students end up on staff at churches or plant a church themselves. Once learned this method can also be easily duplicated in any church in the future to raise up godly leaders.
Why the Shepherd School program is not like any other College program
We believe what we teach has to work in the real world. We believe in thinking Biblically but differently about everything else. We offer a Ministry Centered program that is powerful, yet simple to do, is mentor-driven, and has no standard tests or grades but prepares men to have deep character and thinking.
What about accreditation and cost?
We keep the cost to the minimum so as many as possible can benefit from this unique training. To keep the cost that low we have opted to not be accredited. However, you will still be trained by top professors, Christian thinkers, and leading pastors.
How do I get started?
It is easy!
- Download an application
- Fill it out and mail or email it back to us.
6721 Edith Blvd NE Suite B Albuquerque NM 87113 or ccf@CrossFellowship.org
- We will then contact you for a simple interview
In December 2023 sign up at our College website (CCFcollege.com) Class starts the first Thursday of January 2024
This same information is on the cover of the application.
Cost is $129 a month but if you are attending locally we have included a discount code to save you money. (See Application for code)
Open House Schedule
Come in and for a short presentation, student testimonies and ask your questions
- Sunday eve November 26 at 6 pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
- Sunday eve December 17 at 6 pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
- Friday eve December 29 at 6:30 pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
- Thursday eve January 4 at 6:30 pm at Cross Christian Fellowship
Why You Should Attend
So If you are reading this you must feel that you or someone you know has a calling on their life.
The question is how do you take that calling to the reality of shepherding God’s flock? Not everyone is called to a formal four year seminary.
I believe there is a distinct need in the body of Christ for personal discipleship in developing shepherds for God’s flock.
It is not enough to be engrossed in academia and sent out without practical experience and personal guidance. Therefore the purpose of the Shepherd School is to have a small group of called and dedicated men to be trained mentorship-style from start to finish.
The training will consist of classroom education, practical ministry and some personal time with Pastor Scott
There is no guarantee the men chosen will become pastors but some will undoubtedly go on to plant churches and others will end up on a church staff somewhere. In a training environment like this we can keep costs low and equipping high. Once learned this method can also be easily duplicated in any church in the future to raise up other shepherds.
Course specifics:
- You will listen to 3 to 4 audio files each week and take one-quarter page of notes
- Class is Thursday nights 7pm MST and usually ends by 9:30pm. On Cross Christian Fellowship Campus or online (Zoom & YouTube)
- There will be audio assignments during the summer but no Thursday night classes
The time is now for men with a heart for God to stand up. If this describes you and you feel that God is leading you to attend Shepherd School , then we invite you to apply. Please apply early as there is limited space and the application process includes an interview. Not all who apply will be accepted. Because this school is a mentorship program it is for men only.
Sign Up For Shepherd School Below After You Have Completed The Application
May God bless you richly with His abundant love.
Pastor Scott Thom, President CCFBC